It's been over a month since I've posted, but I have not been idle. I've been in and out of a lot of media recently and there's one thing that I feel lead to write today, so I am.
Don't ever be discouraged, Ever. Understand that if you are seeking after Christ, which is not an easy task, you will be used by God. There have been great things done and said by God in the most humble of places. All you can do in this life is seek after God and trust in him. In doing so you will love others and be used and experience a joy that's not of this world, a peace that is alien to this "reality." I understand that it sounds strange, and supernatural to say something like that and I also know that it turns people off to what is being said when something of that nature is being discussed. I know that it makes me sound like a ghost hunter, or someone that is giving an account of the abduction that they experienced in Aunt Edna's guest room when they stayed for the weekend last summer. And surely you realize that I wouldn't say these things if I were seeking the approval of man, or if I were trying to put forth an image that I'm some form of super disciple of Christ or something. I'm telling you that God Heals people, that God causes events that surpass what would be considered natural in this world. God does miracles. He is all powerful and he loves us and he will do whatever it takes to bring as many people as he can to his love.
That being said, he uses subtle things as well. You and I both know that this life, though it may appear so on the outside, is not about a popularity ranking, or about showing everyone else that you have it all figured out, or about proving that you are perfect or great or sucessful. It's about being conformed to the image of Christ. The goal of God isn't to make us sucessful servants. We're to be conformed into his likeness, to live like him. The fact is you don't have to move a fraction of an inch to be loved by God. You don't have to be successful, powerful, funny, or pretty, or smart, or strong, or fast or anything else to be loved by God. Your joy shouldn't come from your performance. In a world in which you've experienced hurting, suffering, and abuse there is a source of unconditional love. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The sooner you understand that your worth is constant, and that you're not measured by the amount of "usefulness" you are to God the sooner you can truly experience that love.
I'm telling you that the greatest act of faith you could do is to look directly into the mirror, knowing exactly how terrible you are, knowing all those things that you can hide from everyone else but can't hide from yourself, and then choosing to accept that God loves you UNCONDITIONALLY. There is no aspect of you that brings you away from that love. You are loved. Accept it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The reason you're on this Earth.
". . . They think that in order to fix the world's problems we need to do something in the exterior world - we need to stop polluting the atmosphere, we need to control guns, we need to stop nuclear testing, we need to move to solar power, we need to . . . always something to fix in the exterior world. Those are all important, but the real problems are on the interior - we need to help consciousness evolve from egocentric to ethnocentric to worldcentric, or else people won't want to fix all those things in the exterior world to begin with!" 'Boomeritis" by Ken Wilber
I found the quote at this URL:
which outlines a short conversation some people had, and while it's really short, they're very close to exactly how I feel on the matter.
I don't know anything about this book, so I'm not necessarily supporting the book or the author. But I DO think there is some merit in it. Especially the part about the evolution of consciousness. I realize that this world isn't permanent, and is doomed to fail. So this argument seems to be a bit futile, except in the possibility that there is still time to change for the better. It seems that if there is enough time for one person to change then this argument is worthwhile.
What's to be said here is that at least ONE main root to the problems arising in today's world, if not the single source of it all, is the lack of the development of self. There is no magical way, or even a non-magical, practical way to fix this issue immediately. I think it's a reasonable statement to say that most moral change has come about through religion, wether it be Christian or not. The main reason that anyone in this world is civilized at all is first and foremost the recognition of self, that we exist, or sentience, and that we affect the world around us, and then also the natural acknowledgment of right and wrong.
The problem, and the solution amazingly, is choice. Since people have the ability to choose between right and wrong, naturally some choose wrong, typically for percieved benefit of self, the epitome of being egocentric. Which is what has single handedly brought the world to it's knees, or will soon.
In the conversation at the URL above, they come to the point that I think I've been making already in past posts and this one. That there is great importance on the personal level to make moral decisions. It also seems that the more I look into this concept the more evident it is that this is one of the great purposes of life. And that's not just from findings within the Bible, which a number could be sited expressing the importance of choice. You are on this Earth, living this life, because you are required to make a choice. The most important of choices actually, which will save your very soul. Then that choice is lived out, one way or the other, by an additional series of choices. An understanding of that would change a lot of things in this world.
I found the quote at this URL:
which outlines a short conversation some people had, and while it's really short, they're very close to exactly how I feel on the matter.
I don't know anything about this book, so I'm not necessarily supporting the book or the author. But I DO think there is some merit in it. Especially the part about the evolution of consciousness. I realize that this world isn't permanent, and is doomed to fail. So this argument seems to be a bit futile, except in the possibility that there is still time to change for the better. It seems that if there is enough time for one person to change then this argument is worthwhile.
What's to be said here is that at least ONE main root to the problems arising in today's world, if not the single source of it all, is the lack of the development of self. There is no magical way, or even a non-magical, practical way to fix this issue immediately. I think it's a reasonable statement to say that most moral change has come about through religion, wether it be Christian or not. The main reason that anyone in this world is civilized at all is first and foremost the recognition of self, that we exist, or sentience, and that we affect the world around us, and then also the natural acknowledgment of right and wrong.
The problem, and the solution amazingly, is choice. Since people have the ability to choose between right and wrong, naturally some choose wrong, typically for percieved benefit of self, the epitome of being egocentric. Which is what has single handedly brought the world to it's knees, or will soon.
In the conversation at the URL above, they come to the point that I think I've been making already in past posts and this one. That there is great importance on the personal level to make moral decisions. It also seems that the more I look into this concept the more evident it is that this is one of the great purposes of life. And that's not just from findings within the Bible, which a number could be sited expressing the importance of choice. You are on this Earth, living this life, because you are required to make a choice. The most important of choices actually, which will save your very soul. Then that choice is lived out, one way or the other, by an additional series of choices. An understanding of that would change a lot of things in this world.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The relevant Cliche
It's amazing where you can find inspiration. And to that I'll add that it's amazing how God works. The further I travel through life I've noticed a few things that are constant in God. And one of those things, which is another that you hear on a regular basis, but doesn't sink in until those moments that you don't see coming, but suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks. Some call it inspiration, some realization, even revelation. But often times, at least for myself, it seems that the concept you come to realize has actually manifested itself in front of you before many times, and it wasn't until that exact moment that you actually "got it." I realize that I'm being a little vague, and maybe even slightly dramatic, but my point is coming.
Take note of the little things that God tells you. Those cliche Christian messages have simple and powerful truths behind each and every one of them. That's the reason that they became cliche, is because someone at some point discovered them, through divine *inspiration* and they proceeded to attempt to communicate that to someone else, and so on and so forth. The cliche I want to talk about now is this: Do what's right.
Powerful words indeed in the right context. I'm not talking about the simple little questions I was asked before I was deemed mature enough in my faith, as a young man of only 5/6(can't really remember, but that's for another discussion), where a moral problem is suggested. An example would be finding someone's wallet on the street filled with money, as well as their identification. What do you do? Take it and ditch the I.D.'s or return the wallet intact? We know the answer, or at least the right one. No I'm talking about your life. You. Right now. I'm talking about when no one is looking, none the wiser. I'm talking about simple moments of truth that you come to in which you make a decision to do one thing or another. To be one thing or another.
I heard once, probably in a movie, that it's not what you believe, but rather what you do that defines you. And that is true. So this is the beginning of my part in echoing the call: Do what's right.
Take note of the little things that God tells you. Those cliche Christian messages have simple and powerful truths behind each and every one of them. That's the reason that they became cliche, is because someone at some point discovered them, through divine *inspiration* and they proceeded to attempt to communicate that to someone else, and so on and so forth. The cliche I want to talk about now is this: Do what's right.
Powerful words indeed in the right context. I'm not talking about the simple little questions I was asked before I was deemed mature enough in my faith, as a young man of only 5/6(can't really remember, but that's for another discussion), where a moral problem is suggested. An example would be finding someone's wallet on the street filled with money, as well as their identification. What do you do? Take it and ditch the I.D.'s or return the wallet intact? We know the answer, or at least the right one. No I'm talking about your life. You. Right now. I'm talking about when no one is looking, none the wiser. I'm talking about simple moments of truth that you come to in which you make a decision to do one thing or another. To be one thing or another.
I heard once, probably in a movie, that it's not what you believe, but rather what you do that defines you. And that is true. So this is the beginning of my part in echoing the call: Do what's right.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
So here it is, THE question. Why am I here on this Earth? There are a lot of different answers to this that could be considered correct. For instance, one might say, "I am on this Earth to grow, learn, create a family, support them, be a good man, and die honorably." Another might say, "Life's short, live hard die young," or that Life's about getting as much enjoyment as you can while on this Earth because when it's over, it's over(what I'd call the big bang lifestyle).
Here's my view on the matter:
I've come to realize that as I've gone about my life, the times that I found that I was truly happy were when I was loving someone else, or doing something in love for someone else. The thing is, the more I think about it, the more it fits with lots of other things I've been told.
"Treat others as you would want to be treated"-The Golden Rule
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." -Matthew 22:24-25
From the Black Eyed Peas singing "Where is the Love" to, Mother Theresa when she said "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread."
There are movies about it, i.e. "Pay it forward," as well as books of proverbs and quotes describing it. And it probably comes as no surprise to anyone reading this that the fact is this world lacks love.
We all feel depreciated at least at some point in our lives, and many of us probably feel it on a regular basis. Some people struggle for years with poor self image, heart ache from things said or done, hatred for the evils done to them, etc etc. This world lacks love in such a way that it seems alien to show someone real love. And of course, I'm not referring to sex or romantic love, though the romantic love seems to be lacking as well, but that's for another post.
What I'm getting at is that isn't it about time that changed? It takes the act of each droplet to make it rain, but also it takes but a sound to trigger an avalanche. Jesus Christ was once questioned on what was the greatest commandment by the leaders of the day referred to as the Pharisees.
"35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." - Matthew 22:35-40
Jesus said that all of the Law, all the things that should be lived by can be summed up in the acts of loving God and each other. Why does it have to be wishful thinking to imagine a world in which we all act out of love for each other? Can't we just decide that we're going to start loving each other right now? What's stopping you from loving people? A couple other verses to ponder are:
" 29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
-Ephesians 4:29-32 (really 4:17-32 is all about living in love, but this part in particular)
"3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."
-Proverbs 3:3-4
"11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. 12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." -Proverbs 10:11-12
"43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," -Matthew 5:43-44
I suppose I shouldn't quote the Bible without mentioning that God himself sacrificed the life of his son, Jesus Christ for our sins to save us from their eternal condemnation. I've heard the greatest acts of love demonstrate it through sacrifice. Which I suspect is what Marriage, Child rearing, and Following after God looks like.(See Matthew 22:24-25 above again)
I realize that this could be difficult for some people. I honestly believe the reason that I have the ability to love is because I was given love by God, my family and my friends. Anyone reading this needs to know though that there are people out there that love others immediately. There are people that are truly and honestly are just looking to love you. Also, there are people that arn't quite to where they can do that, namely Me. Understand that there are going to be mistakes, sometimes it's very difficult to love someone. However, like I said in a previous post, life is all about choices. You get chances everyday to love someone. It takes just a single spark to start a fire. That's why I'm on this Earth, maybe that's why you're here too.
Here's my view on the matter:
I've come to realize that as I've gone about my life, the times that I found that I was truly happy were when I was loving someone else, or doing something in love for someone else. The thing is, the more I think about it, the more it fits with lots of other things I've been told.
"Treat others as you would want to be treated"-The Golden Rule
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." -Matthew 22:24-25
From the Black Eyed Peas singing "Where is the Love" to, Mother Theresa when she said "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than there is for bread."
There are movies about it, i.e. "Pay it forward," as well as books of proverbs and quotes describing it. And it probably comes as no surprise to anyone reading this that the fact is this world lacks love.
We all feel depreciated at least at some point in our lives, and many of us probably feel it on a regular basis. Some people struggle for years with poor self image, heart ache from things said or done, hatred for the evils done to them, etc etc. This world lacks love in such a way that it seems alien to show someone real love. And of course, I'm not referring to sex or romantic love, though the romantic love seems to be lacking as well, but that's for another post.
What I'm getting at is that isn't it about time that changed? It takes the act of each droplet to make it rain, but also it takes but a sound to trigger an avalanche. Jesus Christ was once questioned on what was the greatest commandment by the leaders of the day referred to as the Pharisees.
"35One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question:
36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." - Matthew 22:35-40
Jesus said that all of the Law, all the things that should be lived by can be summed up in the acts of loving God and each other. Why does it have to be wishful thinking to imagine a world in which we all act out of love for each other? Can't we just decide that we're going to start loving each other right now? What's stopping you from loving people? A couple other verses to ponder are:
" 29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
-Ephesians 4:29-32 (really 4:17-32 is all about living in love, but this part in particular)
"3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."
-Proverbs 3:3-4
"11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. 12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs." -Proverbs 10:11-12
"43"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," -Matthew 5:43-44
I suppose I shouldn't quote the Bible without mentioning that God himself sacrificed the life of his son, Jesus Christ for our sins to save us from their eternal condemnation. I've heard the greatest acts of love demonstrate it through sacrifice. Which I suspect is what Marriage, Child rearing, and Following after God looks like.(See Matthew 22:24-25 above again)
I realize that this could be difficult for some people. I honestly believe the reason that I have the ability to love is because I was given love by God, my family and my friends. Anyone reading this needs to know though that there are people out there that love others immediately. There are people that are truly and honestly are just looking to love you. Also, there are people that arn't quite to where they can do that, namely Me. Understand that there are going to be mistakes, sometimes it's very difficult to love someone. However, like I said in a previous post, life is all about choices. You get chances everyday to love someone. It takes just a single spark to start a fire. That's why I'm on this Earth, maybe that's why you're here too.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Self-definition, refinition, and the facts of life...
Recently it's been brought to my attention that - as obvious as it sounds - one of the themes of life is growth. And it seems that growth comes mostly from mistakes. It simply astonishes me sometimes at what I do. Occasionally I'll do something that I know is wrong, and in fact is rather out of character for who I like to think I am, or at least am striving to be.
And what about our effects on each other.
Picture this: I'm hanging out in a small group of people, say at a local organization's free dinner in a feeble attempt to convince college people to join, when in fact everyone knows they come for the free food. At any rate, in the process of conversation I have a sudden realization of a witty remark, or something that I think will be funny, and so I say it. Almost instantaneously realizing that I have just embarrassed, or belittled someone else and at a gain of nothing. Yes I like it when people think I'm funny, but there's little gain when you think about the fact that if I hadn't said anything the conversation would go on without someone else feeling suddenly wronged, unaccepted, embarrassed, uncomfortable, et al.
This whole concept makes me think of Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
That says two different things to me. We can use each other to build ourselves up, and in the process build up each other. We can become great with each other. But at the same time that speaks to me about the things that are said to each other. If I hurt you won't that in turn sharpen you to hurt someone else?
What I'm really trying to say is that it's amazing how choice affects EVERYTHING. Life is choice. You hear it all the time, but it's one of those things that just hits you one day while you're driving along. "Hey, when I do something.. it has an effect on myself and/or someone else.. weird."
It's like a little rule about life that no one makes sure you understand until you've been practicing it for a while. All the while that you're doing things, you're making yourself. You're deciding who/what you are. It's seems logical to me then that you would have a list of things that you want to be, and from that you would base your decisions. For instance, I want to be someone that loves, preferably unconditionally but lets just get the love part down first. Also, I want to be honest, strong, a shoulder to cry on, someone to rely on, pure, the list goes on. So then what is this thing that keeps me from taking advantage of moments in which I can practice exactly what I want to be?
Behold, the human condition. There are a lot of labels for it, laziness, self-centeredness, fallacy, immaturity, passivity. However, it's ALL choice. Realize that you decide what you do, or in some cases what you don't do and it has an effect. For instance, if you practice wickedness, or foul deeds, w/e, you're training yourself to be just that. Not to mention you're further empowering those around you to do the same.
So then... Grow... Start being who you want to be, realize you'll fail along the way, but you decide who you're going to be. I'll be praying for you along the way.
And what about our effects on each other.
Picture this: I'm hanging out in a small group of people, say at a local organization's free dinner in a feeble attempt to convince college people to join, when in fact everyone knows they come for the free food. At any rate, in the process of conversation I have a sudden realization of a witty remark, or something that I think will be funny, and so I say it. Almost instantaneously realizing that I have just embarrassed, or belittled someone else and at a gain of nothing. Yes I like it when people think I'm funny, but there's little gain when you think about the fact that if I hadn't said anything the conversation would go on without someone else feeling suddenly wronged, unaccepted, embarrassed, uncomfortable, et al.
This whole concept makes me think of Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
That says two different things to me. We can use each other to build ourselves up, and in the process build up each other. We can become great with each other. But at the same time that speaks to me about the things that are said to each other. If I hurt you won't that in turn sharpen you to hurt someone else?
What I'm really trying to say is that it's amazing how choice affects EVERYTHING. Life is choice. You hear it all the time, but it's one of those things that just hits you one day while you're driving along. "Hey, when I do something.. it has an effect on myself and/or someone else.. weird."
It's like a little rule about life that no one makes sure you understand until you've been practicing it for a while. All the while that you're doing things, you're making yourself. You're deciding who/what you are. It's seems logical to me then that you would have a list of things that you want to be, and from that you would base your decisions. For instance, I want to be someone that loves, preferably unconditionally but lets just get the love part down first. Also, I want to be honest, strong, a shoulder to cry on, someone to rely on, pure, the list goes on. So then what is this thing that keeps me from taking advantage of moments in which I can practice exactly what I want to be?
Behold, the human condition. There are a lot of labels for it, laziness, self-centeredness, fallacy, immaturity, passivity. However, it's ALL choice. Realize that you decide what you do, or in some cases what you don't do and it has an effect. For instance, if you practice wickedness, or foul deeds, w/e, you're training yourself to be just that. Not to mention you're further empowering those around you to do the same.
So then... Grow... Start being who you want to be, realize you'll fail along the way, but you decide who you're going to be. I'll be praying for you along the way.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Humble Beginnings...
So I've never been much of a blogger. By that I mean this is my first.I don't really have a direct intent for this blog as of yet, but I used to journal so I suspect it'll end up that way. I think the best place to start this is the reason I named this blog what I did.
Archer's Intercession
When I was younger, 21 now, every summer for probably 5 consecutive summers I attended church camp for at least a week. Which included going to a camp ground usually around the Lake of the Ozarks where some organization had rented out cabins and a mess hall and various other buildings etc, in an attempt to give young people a spiritual high, or in many cases introduce them to Jesus Christ for the first time.
This particular camp I was 15, and I felt specifically spoken to about serving God, or rather convicted that I hadn't been. Frustrated, I spoke with one of the counselors that had been assigned to our small group for the week about it. I happened to know the woman already, her name was Rose, but that's beside the point I suppose. At any rate, I told her that I was feeling useless for God in that I was so young, but felt like there had to be things that I could do for him. Rose, told me about this thing that up until a couple months ago I thought she had just made up in an effort to interest a young boy in spiritual matters. Rose introduced me to the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. She told me that what they do is actively look for things to pray for. She said it could be as simple as just praying specifically for each of my class mates, or people that I pass in the hallways, or problems that I saw on TV, etc. I later learned that bringing things to God on behalf of someone else is called Intercession.
I loved the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. It brought about heroic, silhouetted forms standing on peaks over looking battled grounds of spiritual warfare below. Honestly, it still today brings to mind similar images. So I decided then and there that I was going to embrace the concept of being a Prayer Warrior, and to this day I do.
The name itself comes from when I told this whole story to my house mate. He, I and a few other guys are looking to make a band, and I wanted to use it for a song idea. I explained to him that I envisioned a Prayer Warrior as sort of an archer in the spiritual army of God, due to the nature of intercession feeling as though it is more of a ranged way to impact people rather than face-to-face, or in combat jargon hand-to-hand, spiritual combat. Shortly after, my house mate coined the phrase Archers Intercession as the song title. And ever since I've been in love with the phrase.
So there you have it. The origin of this blog.
Archer's Intercession
When I was younger, 21 now, every summer for probably 5 consecutive summers I attended church camp for at least a week. Which included going to a camp ground usually around the Lake of the Ozarks where some organization had rented out cabins and a mess hall and various other buildings etc, in an attempt to give young people a spiritual high, or in many cases introduce them to Jesus Christ for the first time.
This particular camp I was 15, and I felt specifically spoken to about serving God, or rather convicted that I hadn't been. Frustrated, I spoke with one of the counselors that had been assigned to our small group for the week about it. I happened to know the woman already, her name was Rose, but that's beside the point I suppose. At any rate, I told her that I was feeling useless for God in that I was so young, but felt like there had to be things that I could do for him. Rose, told me about this thing that up until a couple months ago I thought she had just made up in an effort to interest a young boy in spiritual matters. Rose introduced me to the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. She told me that what they do is actively look for things to pray for. She said it could be as simple as just praying specifically for each of my class mates, or people that I pass in the hallways, or problems that I saw on TV, etc. I later learned that bringing things to God on behalf of someone else is called Intercession.
I loved the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. It brought about heroic, silhouetted forms standing on peaks over looking battled grounds of spiritual warfare below. Honestly, it still today brings to mind similar images. So I decided then and there that I was going to embrace the concept of being a Prayer Warrior, and to this day I do.
The name itself comes from when I told this whole story to my house mate. He, I and a few other guys are looking to make a band, and I wanted to use it for a song idea. I explained to him that I envisioned a Prayer Warrior as sort of an archer in the spiritual army of God, due to the nature of intercession feeling as though it is more of a ranged way to impact people rather than face-to-face, or in combat jargon hand-to-hand, spiritual combat. Shortly after, my house mate coined the phrase Archers Intercession as the song title. And ever since I've been in love with the phrase.
So there you have it. The origin of this blog.
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