Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Humble Beginnings...

So I've never been much of a blogger. By that I mean this is my first.I don't really have a direct intent for this blog as of yet, but I used to journal so I suspect it'll end up that way. I think the best place to start this is the reason I named this blog what I did.

Archer's Intercession

When I was younger, 21 now, every summer for probably 5 consecutive summers I attended church camp for at least a week. Which included going to a camp ground usually around the Lake of the Ozarks where some organization had rented out cabins and a mess hall and various other buildings etc, in an attempt to give young people a spiritual high, or in many cases introduce them to Jesus Christ for the first time.

This particular camp I was 15, and I felt specifically spoken to about serving God, or rather convicted that I hadn't been. Frustrated, I spoke with one of the counselors that had been assigned to our small group for the week about it. I happened to know the woman already, her name was Rose, but that's beside the point I suppose. At any rate, I told her that I was feeling useless for God in that I was so young, but felt like there had to be things that I could do for him. Rose, told me about this thing that up until a couple months ago I thought she had just made up in an effort to interest a young boy in spiritual matters. Rose introduced me to the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. She told me that what they do is actively look for things to pray for. She said it could be as simple as just praying specifically for each of my class mates, or people that I pass in the hallways, or problems that I saw on TV, etc. I later learned that bringing things to God on behalf of someone else is called Intercession.

I loved the idea of being a Prayer Warrior. It brought about heroic, silhouetted forms standing on peaks over looking battled grounds of spiritual warfare below. Honestly, it still today brings to mind similar images. So I decided then and there that I was going to embrace the concept of being a Prayer Warrior, and to this day I do.

The name itself comes from when I told this whole story to my house mate. He, I and a few other guys are looking to make a band, and I wanted to use it for a song idea. I explained to him that I envisioned a Prayer Warrior as sort of an archer in the spiritual army of God, due to the nature of intercession feeling as though it is more of a ranged way to impact people rather than face-to-face, or in combat jargon hand-to-hand, spiritual combat. Shortly after, my house mate coined the phrase Archers Intercession as the song title. And ever since I've been in love with the phrase.

So there you have it. The origin of this blog.


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