Friday, June 17, 2011

Pleading and Bleeding

Father, I am so small, and you are so great. I am weak and terrible. There is nothing I deserve except condemnation. But through your Son you chose to love me.

God I need you. Here, in the back room,in a dark place I need you. Please show me your mercy and change my heart.I'm blinded by selfishness, pride, and despair.

I'm so afraid I dismissed your blessing long ago. And I'm afraid that, in my desperation to pick up the pieces of the crown you gave me, I'll break it again. Father, my hands shake and my heart aches. Please sanctify me, cleanse my mind of doubt and fear. Please, as an act of your mercy, place your blind love in me, give me clarity of thought, wisdom to understand this season, and the courage and strength to act in your will for my life. Please save me from what I've become, and make me like you. Please bless me with purpose. But all things only according to your will. Be glorified through me.