Monday, February 2, 2009

The Archer's Prayer

God help me to see the things in others and in myself, that you've been trying to tell us you see for so many years. Help me to remember that this life is a process, that I cannot suddenly be exactly what you've created me to be, but that everyday presents new challenges and that the only way I will ever succeed is to rely on you. Help me to truly know what it means to rely on you.

Grant me the grace for others that you've given me, just as you first loved me and suddenly I was able to love. Father I know that my worth is not defined by the things that I do, but by the sacrifice of your Son and by the love and intentions that you had for me even before the beginnings of time.

Help me to love the unloved, to serve the lowest, the sick, the hurting. Open my eyes to the things that matter, the things in the hearts of the people I pass everyday. Father it took a tragedy for me to be aware of the pains that happen behind closed doors and tired eyes. Grant me your eyes, that they would pierce the hearts of this generation so that I may see their needs and bring them to you.

Help me to remember that our relationship is not dependent on the level of success I'm having against the blemishes I inherited from my father. Remind me every day that even on my worst day I am RIGHTEOUS through your Son. Make your unconditional love a blatant and undeniable truth from which I can draw all security.

Show me, your servant, in your own time each step along the path you've set for me. Grant me patience to wait for your divine timing, and wisdom to see each step and to know each word that you would direct.

Father I love you, sometimes it's the only thing I do right, but I know that that's exactly what you meant for me to do. May my life ever be a song so pleasing to you.


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